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As you explore this site, you may find links to a "page not found" instead of something cool and magickal. For this I apologize. I am very working hard behind the scenes to restore those pages along with a link to their homes on my new website where they can be viewed in full.
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Monday, August 12, 2019
About Power Animals
Power animals are great advice givers, often representing our higher selves that we haven't been paying attention to lately. In a meditative state you can ask for their assistance on problems that have been nagging at you. Sometimes, if they want to, two power animals might work in conjunction with each other.
Power animals can assist you in the waking state as well. Perhaps you are trying to teach someone a particular theme and they are having difficulty understanding. Power animals are not limited to mammals. The reptilian and insect kingdoms can be just as helpful....
,,, I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Feathers and Bones, and can be found here: Power Animals
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Invocation for a Sick or Injured Pet
You can perform this ritual for animals recuperating at home, as well as for those at the veterinarian. Light a white candle, and visualize a protective dome of warm soothing light surrounding your pet.
When your emotions are calm and your thoughts are still, ask the Great Mother for her assistance...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Invocation for a Sick or Injured Pet
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Wandering Pet Protection Spell
Spread out a white handkerchief. On it, place a clipping of your pet’s hair and a picture of your home or one of you and your pet together. Imagine your pet back in its favorite inside place, sleeping contentedly....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Wandering Pet Protection Spell
Pet Memorial Ritual
To hold a memorial for a special pet who has passed on, place a picture of your pet (preferably taken when it was in its prime) on your altar. Light directional candles, and place them around the picture. Light a black candle, and place it next to or on top of the picture....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Pet Memorial Ritual
Creating a "Familiar"
This rite it designed specifically for cats, but may be employed with any animal you wish to make your familiar spirit. Each night during the cycle of the waxing Moon, sit closely with the animal. Arrange it so that you are both facing toward the horizon where the Moon shall rise...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been combined with another and moved to my new website, The Powers That Be, it can be found here: The Witch's Familiar
The Witch's Familiar
The concept of the familiar has been a vital component of various cultures throughout man's history. The Romans, for example, believed that each household was protected by a familiar whose job it was to keep the family from harm, and shamans and medicine men of various tribal traditions have long honored the spirits of animals for their wisdom and assistance in magickal workings.
Yet despite these positive influences, when we think of a familiar the most common image is that of the evil witch with her fearsome-looking black cat. This archetype, straight from the fairy tales of our childhood, has its roots in the fear and superstition of the Dark Ages, and it bears no resemblance to the modern-day familiar...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Powers That Be, and can be found in its entirety here: The Witch's Familiar
Thursday, August 08, 2019
A Simple Shapeshifting Exercise
Here is an exercise in trading places (mentally) with a dog, a cat, or other animal. Once you become adept at this exercise, you will find animal communication, animal healing, and contact with power animals and guides much easier to accomplish...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been combined with another and moved to my new website, The Powers That Be, it can be found here: Finding Your Power Animal
Meditation to Meet Your Power Animal
This guided imagery is about meeting your power animal. Like the ancient ones, the power animals come from deep within the consciousness of our Earth Mother. Power animals are our deepest memories. We all share DNA with all the animals alive on earth. A lion has the same DNA as we do for many systems. We can, in our memories, see out of the lion's eyes. We are them. They call to us deeply, loudly.
Power animals are easier to contact than ancient ones. Their voices are louder. They are easier to see. They will come and speak to you when you need them. The animals are helpers. Like ancient ones they are guides. They tell you what you need to know. They give you their immense energy. No shaman would ever go into sacred space without their animal helper....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been combined with another and moved to my new website, The Powers That Be, it can be found here: Finding Your Power Animal
Finding Your Power Animal
Think about animals to whom you've always been attracted - and remember that "animal" includes birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects.
- Do you collect owls?
- Draw pictures of dragons?
- Live for the sight of horses?
- Swear that you would never want to live without a cat? (I believe that Cat is one of the most popular (and certainly one of the most accessible) power animals, closely followed by Dolphin and Wolf.)...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Powers That Be, it has been combined with another and can be found here: Finding Your Power Animal
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Magickal Powder for Information and Communication
This magical powder uses the power of Gemini and Mercury to quickly and easily find information and/or to encourage the smooth flow of communication. It can be used by itself, or added to other forms of magick, such as at the bottom of a candle, sprinkled on a written spell, etc....
... I am so sorry but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Apothecary, and can be found in its entirety here: Magickal Powder for Information and Communication

Thursday, May 16, 2019
Good Fortune Spell
Aloe vera is thought by the people of Africa to bring good luck to those who possess it. To create some good fortune of your own, place an aloe vera plant on your altar. Place pieces of agate in various places around the aloe plant, and place a yellow candle in front of the plant....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Good Fortune Spell
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Good Fortune Spell

Avoid family problems
Bad luck at home can be avoided by never washing blankets during the waxing May moon. According to the saying:
"If you wash blankets in May,
you will wash a loved one away."
you will wash a loved one away."
... more may spells can be found at my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Luck Jar
If you are unlucky enough to break a mirror, collect all the pieces, put in a glass jar and stand on your window sill, the shards deflect all the bad luck away from the house.
... More luck spells can be found on my new website, Book of Shadows.
Friday, April 26, 2019
Essential Oils For Prosperity
Essential oils for prosperity and abundance can draw more than just money; fertility, time and opportunities are also included. Basil, pine, patchouli and jasmine are effective when used in spells to bring abundance in your life, as long as you program the action with intent. For example, dab a drop of basil or peppermint oil inside your wallet to draw in more money while imagining your wallet filling with crisp $20 bills.

Note: The Aromatherapy for Prosperity page over at my new website, Magickal Ingredients, has a lot of information on this subject. If you are interested in using essential oils to bring in money, it's worth taking a look at.
Essential Oils for Psychic Awareness
To enhance your natural psychic tendencies and help you tune in to the thoughts and feelings around you, vetiver, sandalwood and rosemary oils are best for psychic awareness spells. For complete relaxation and contemplation, try valerian oil or lavender oil.

More information about essential oils and magick can be found at my new website, Magickal Ingredients.
Essential Oils for Protection and Courage
Power of the Sun - Invocation

Great One of Heaven,
Power of the Sun,
we invoke thee in thine ancient names -
Micheal, Balin, Arthur, Lugh;
come again as of old into this thy land....
Power of the Sun,
we invoke thee in thine ancient names -
Micheal, Balin, Arthur, Lugh;
come again as of old into this thy land....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Widdershins, and can be found in its entirety here: Great One Of Heaven
Monday, April 22, 2019
To Honor The May Queen
Make an offering of a floral crown, or a libation of honey and milk, to the Queen of the May during your Beltane prayers.
The leaves are budding across the land
on the ash and oak and hawthorn trees.
Magic rises around us in the forest...
on the ash and oak and hawthorn trees.
Magic rises around us in the forest...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been combined with another, and moved to my new website, The Pagan Calendar. It can be found in its entirety here: Beltane Magick and Lore
Saturday, March 09, 2019
Flower Omens of Spring
The day you find the first flower of the season can be used as an omen:
- Monday means good fortune,
- Tuesday means greatest attempts will be successful,
- Wednesday means marriage,
- Thursday means warning of small profits,
- Friday means wealth,
- Saturday means misfortune,
- Sunday means excellent luck for weeks.
More Flower divination information can be found at my new website, Divination.
For Sunny Weather and Clear Skies
Take a small blue container and pour some water into it, preferably mineral water or spring water but any will do. Then put some salt in it and leave it in a warm place near (or on) a windowsill....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: For Sunny Weather and Clear Skies
Spell to Encourage Sunshine
You will need:
- suntan lotion
- carnelian or red jasper
- orange candle...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Spell to Encourage Sunshine
Gypsy Life - Not As Romantic As It Sounds

... I am so sorry, but this series of old photos has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, and can be found in their entirety here: Gypsy Life - Not as Romantic As It Sounds
A Superbly Wicked Spell
Taking the Law Of Three into consideration, this is how to make a spell for revenge or to hurt someone back who's hurt you or someone you love, but at the same time how to remain perfectly safe and serve the highest good of all concerned.

Here's how:

Here's how:
- Think about the person in question, paying special attention to their shortcomings, and the hurtful things they do....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: A Superbly Wicked Spell
Wednesday, February 06, 2019
Ancient Etruscan Love Spell

The origins of this love spell are obscure, but there is a litany in archaic Italian of which I have provided an English translation. It is a ritual that requires a bit of effort and a lot of herbal materials as well as a profound belief in its success. Otherwise, its nothing more than empty words. The materials can be obtained readily in any food store, herb market or metaphysical supply store.
Herbal Mixture:
- 3 parts lavender
- 3 parts damiana
- 3 parts patchouly
- 1 part Dragon’s blood resin...
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Essential Oils for Cleansing
When you feel surrounded by negativity or weighed down by bad habits, use such essential oils as lemon or sage for cleansing; all citrus oils are especially good for stimulating creativity and giving your mind a fresh, clean slate to fill with positive thoughts. Thyme oil is also effective for an energy reboot, and the calming, reassuring properties of lavender will help you stay on track with new, positive habits.

Vervain Water
Vervain was known in many legends as one of the herbs sacred to the Druids. Although it is often associated with the Summer Solstice, the vervain plant is highly potent in late summer, around the time of Lammas.

In Hoodoo and other folk magic traditions, vervain is used to make Van-Van oil - this is simply a blend of vervain and a base oil, simmered and strained. This oil is used to provide magical protection, and clear away evil energies. In many forms of folklore, vervain is associated with workings that decrease lust - however, the scent of vervain is a well-known aphrodisiac.
In addition to matters of the libido, however, vervain is commonly incorporated as a cleansing herb. You can brew up a batch of vervain water to cleanse your magical tools, asperge around a sacred space, or purify your altar for ritual....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been combined with another, and moved to my new website, the Magickal Apothecary. It can be found here: Vervain Magick and Lore

In Hoodoo and other folk magic traditions, vervain is used to make Van-Van oil - this is simply a blend of vervain and a base oil, simmered and strained. This oil is used to provide magical protection, and clear away evil energies. In many forms of folklore, vervain is associated with workings that decrease lust - however, the scent of vervain is a well-known aphrodisiac.
In addition to matters of the libido, however, vervain is commonly incorporated as a cleansing herb. You can brew up a batch of vervain water to cleanse your magical tools, asperge around a sacred space, or purify your altar for ritual....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been combined with another, and moved to my new website, the Magickal Apothecary. It can be found here: Vervain Magick and Lore
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
St Agnes Eve

- Walking thrice backwards around a churchyard in silence at midnight, scattering hemp seed over the left shoulder....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Pagan Calendar, and can be found in its entirety here: The Eve of Saint Agnes
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