Gypsy women, as long as we have known anything of Gypsy history, have been arrant fortune-tellers. They plied fortune-telling about France and Germany as early as 1414, the year when the dusky bands were first observed in Europe, and they have never relinquished the practice. There are two words for fortune-telling in Gypsy,
bocht and
dukkering. Bocht is a Persian word, a modification of, or connected with, the Sanscrit
bagya, which signifies 'fate.' Dukkering is the modification of a Wallaco-Sclavonian word signifying something spiritual or ghostly. In Eastern European Gypsy, the Holy Ghost is called
Swentuno Ducos.
Gypsy fortune-telling is much the same everywhere, much the same in Russia as it is in Spain and in England. ...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website,
Gypsy Magick and Lore, hosted at
shirleytwofeathers.com, and can be found in its entirety here:
Gypsy Fortune Telling
1 comment:
I had a lady turn to ng door when I was 16 ahe was amazing wantd nothing but a glass of water I know I didn't believe her af that age young and nerve but its been 16 years now and wvwey word she said hs come true first when ahe said 18 I was due my 18 birthday turnee out that wasn't it my gran died 18 days before my 18th birthday then I had 3 miscarriage she told me I was gonna have a son at 23 but me and father wouldn't last thought I às tripping then she said I has a while to wait and I'll met man of my dreams who had something to do with small holdguess what it came true. I wasnt a believer but now I am especially with man of my life love first sight xx
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