Here are some words of advice for novice spell casters:

By aligning your energies with the lunar cycle, and tapping into the natural tides and currents of life, you will increase the effectiveness and power of your spells.
Because the moon turns the tide and our bodies are mainly composed of water, we wax and wane with the moon....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Words of Advice
Because the moon turns the tide and our bodies are mainly composed of water, we wax and wane with the moon....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Words of Advice
Thank you for reminding me the power of intention can be aligned and strengthened with the power of celestial assistance.
My name is Amber. I'm a very odd person. My family says I'm realted to gypsies, persecuted in World War II. But we have no proof that we're really gypsy. I want to embrace my gypsy side, it's amazing how well it relates to me, but if I'm not gypsy, I don't know how well it will work. Is there any way you can help me? I'm not sure how you could, but I found this site and though maybe I'd try to ask.
Hello Amber. I think that if you are feeling the "call" to embrace your "gypsy side" then by all means go for it!
Put aside your doubts and worries, and follow your heart. Jump in here and start working with the magic...
There is no requirement that you be a Gypsy by blood in order for magic to work for you... being a Gypsy in your heart is just fine.
Be Well!
my name is ashley and i am a hungarian gypsy and for the past 10 years ive practice old magic but there has always been this inner power that calls to me. there is times it seems it will consume me. for a long time i didnt know i was a gypsy and now that i do i cant seem to figure out how to connect with that part of me. what would your advice to me be?
Hello Ashley - the best way to connect with what is within is to get quiet - every day - spend 10 or 15 minutes in meditation. Any form of meditation will be fine, but the Zee energy meditation is really nice - try it daily for 30 days - I think by the end of that time, you'll be feeling really connected.
My name is Sonia and I am entrigued by what this website says, it makes me feel warm. I am searching to find a way to spiritually connect with something, anything, so that I can feel more fulfilled as a person and more optimistic. I need something to give me worth and hope. What do you suggest?
Hello Sonia - you have worth and there is hope - I'm glad this little website gives you a warm feeling.
I'm not sure what to tell you about how to find a spiritual connection -
For me, going outside and standing on the earth, drinking in the stars, hugging a tree, enjoying the warmth of sunshine on my skin, talking to the moon, all those things work well for ME.
Other people find spiritual connection in other ways...
The zee energy meditation is very powerful, and if you take a look over at the Prosperity Project, you might find quite a lot of "spiritual food" and support. It was that project that birthed this site.
I can tell you for sure one thing: There is hope, you have worth, and if you keep looking, you will find what you are looking for.
Blessings Sonia, I believe that I may be able to help with the spiritual connection problem. I know a woman who had a similar problem but overcame it. The key is to be at peace with your self. Try laying a finely woven quilt or blanket on the floor. Light 7 candles and place them on the blanket. 1 at each corner and the remaining 3 to form a trianlge large enough to sit in at the center. Lightly sprinkle some parsley over the candles. Between the candles in the corners, lay a line of dandelions on the outer edges. Sit in the middle of the triangle and close your eyes. Sit still and think of nothing but the sound of the flames. Once you know the moment is right, put out the candles. Gather everything on the blanket, any parsley or dandelions and mix them in a bowl until they appear as a powder. Place in a hot cup of water and stir. Drink the tea and you should begin to feel a sense of connection to your inner dimensions. Hope this helps. Please let me know if this does not help or you need more advice.
i've got some advice for sonia. Go home and hit up your bong and you will feel the connection
Hi, I'm an 18 year old girl from Mexican descent on my father's side. On my mother's side, I have no idea what I am. My grandmother was adopted and we are not sure who my grandfather was. I do know that my grandmother had what some people might call a sixth sense and others might just call coincedence. She had a sense of things that happened. When someone in the family was sick, she'd get a sense hat she needed to see them or find them, before knowing they were sick. She also had a srong relatonship with passed on ancestors and would often speak to them late at night. Their have also been hushed up rumours on my father's side that some great ancestors of mine were curanderas, kind of a Mexican form of gypsy. I can't know for sure but I've always felt very attracted by gypsy history and gypsy lore and I want to explore it further and see if maybe I can hone my own sixth sense. Any advice?
Hi everyone my name is Phill. recently I had a spiritualist come to me and say that I have a gypsy man who reads palms and a woman who reads cards. The cards I kind of had an idea about, but the palm reading im not so sure on. Plus, she told me that a silver wolf walks with me. If any of this is true what can I do to get a stronger connection? Any ideas would be appreciated.
My name is Claire. Five months ago a friend of mine died under unusual circumstances. Roughly two and half weeks previous to her death as a joke, I read her cards. It was something that I had vaguely learned over the summer and had really no idea how to do, but I group of us were board and I was going to show off skills I did not have. By the way I was taught; I dealt her the death card. It unsettled, but my friend made a joke and we laughed it off.
Three months ago I remembered the incident and felt the need to read again, so I did and the prediction came true again. Then two months ago my friend Amy encouraged me to put it to a test and read for her, and it came true again. I use a deck of normal playing cards and it is almost as if they tell me what they are saying, as crazy as it sounds. Occasionally I do have urges to read but I am afraid of what I might find out. Should I continue to read? And if so do I tell the people what I see whether good or bad?
im not sure if i have gypsy blood n my veins, but my beliefs and practises can be summed up as GYPSY, iv had this calling for years now, im only 17 but can feel something different about my beliefs and ways of life, magic, tarrots and healing has pulled me and kept me attatched to the ''magical world'' since i can remember, im wondering if there may be a connection to gypsys in one of my previous lives or do i just enjoy thiskinda stuff as a hobby?
Swallows..could that be my animal power? its either a swallow or a bear, is that possible? could you perhaps give me some advice about the swallow?
Ami - I've uploaded some information about the Swallow for you. Hoping that helps?
hello my name is Luke yesterday a gypsy woman came to my door selling charms, she looked at me and told me stuff about myself and my future, the stuff she told me about myself was accurate. I did not have much money to spare but she still gave me to charms for happyness in my life and gave me a knowing look as if she knew that this was somthing that was affecting me. The charmes themselves are 2 very small clear marbles with a pale almost not visable violet tint, are these quite common charms for happyness ?
hi my name is kristy 24 year old im the only persone in my family thats a gypsy i was gifted with visions also knowldge the kind that i allways say to people i dont know how i know i juste know im also one with nature and wild life i got a question tho one of my vision ive been having since i waslitle is a an old acient book yellow sand cover paper out of trees old language triangle on the cover one large and in that one a smaller one also a red ruby can u tell me if u know what it can be and where i could find it its calling me to find it but i dont know what it is wndering if u would know or do some research about it also at night wen im sleeping my finger tapps in a mores code i knows its a message but not shoure what its telling me how do i find out what its saying can u help and thank you my email is for u to get a hold of me thank you
My name is Charles and I have practiced Witchcraft for many years. I am looking for the advice of the bloggers (or anyone reading) on an issue that has arisen recently in my health. I believe the causes may be magical. Basically, for a few months my levels of tiredness have been high (although fluctuating). Despite eating and sleeping well, I have displayed symptoms of anaemia such as physical weakness, fatigue, sudden depression, lowered fitness, feeling ‘faint’, lack of appetite, etc. I have seen a doctor and there doesn’t appear to be anything seriously amiss - my blood test showed that my blood is normal but I do not think my symptoms are psychological. One full moon (I think the one in July) I was in my garden working a simple ritual of dedication (I had hoped to reawaken my connection with the Goddess who has been very kind to me with past requests, such as my wish to be beautiful many years ago) and I had not seen any harm in being spontaneous so I had used my wand to forge a connection between the moon, Diana and my heart (oddly, I think I MAY have envisaged the moon's light flowing in my veins)...I think I went beyond the usual motions of 'drawing down the moon' - especially as my solitary and informal circumstances didn't really call or it. IS IT POSSIBLE that I have, by accident, forged a link too strongly between the lunar cycles and my health???? I have looked at the moon calendar and my high and low points correspond with the waxing and waning moon, respectively. I am thinking if celebrating the next full moon and perhaps trying to loosen my bonds I have created so I can feel more energised and lively again - I need to be strong and healthy to face my final year at University. But is being synchronised with the moon just part of being a functioning witch?? I do not want to feel as drained as I did during waning cycles because, aside from my need to study, in the tong-term my desired career as a performer involves dancing and training and there were times during my 'illness' where I struggled to climb the stairs! But I am a [usually] fit 20 year old boy! If I want to undo what I have done, how should I do it? Just a reverse/opposite of what I did 'wrong' in the first place? Please give me your best considered advice, and many heart-felt thanks for anyone who has read my questions.
I happen to stumble across your blog and find ever so enchanting! I too like a Hungarian gypsy.... I have been told ever since I can remember by psychics etc.that I am not "tapping into my abilities" At times..I do realize I have this "sixth sense" but have no idea what to do..or how to go about it? Any suggestions?
Hi there,
I don't know if I am on the right page but to the person who put up the unromantic gypsies how did you get the pictures and have you any more cos my family members are in those pictures, please get back to me
Janey - the pictures of the not so romatic lives of gypsies originally came from and the ones posted are the only ones I have. How cool that your family is in some of them!!
Bright blessings!
Thank you for getting back to me,
Thank ypu
Mi name is Bell; I am not Gypsy or Romanian. I am Irish and Israeli. Although, i am a very intuitive, natrual and spirtual person. Mi cousins are witches. Do you think i could be successful in Gypsy Magic? I am extremly intrested and i always find mi self drifting towards magic and the natrual way. Gypsy Magic feels like it could be right for me. What do you think?
Hello, I am descendant from Hungarian and Slovak Gypsy's. I feel a pull, especially during storms, to get it touch with that side of me. Where do I start, there is SO much to it.
My baba came from czechoslovakia and used to tell my sister stories about gypsies which we believe we are related to, I have been told by few psychics that told me I have alot of energy and should go into reiki healing, I have been practicing with the tarot cards for a few years and picked up on it very quickly. My friends tell my after they leave my house they are so much more comfortable and relaxed. I am at piece outside with the animals and plant and talk to them. I have had birds come and sit across from me and look at me like I am supposed to do something? I would like to practice Gypsy magic and learn to meditate, your site is wonderful.
Hi there, Ive recently taken interest in magic. All I've done so far is research because I am quite new to this sort of thing. Anyways, I was wondering if theres anything special you have to do in order to become a gypsy. I'm also wondering if you have to be a certain religion (I'm hoping this does'nt go against mine). Also I'd like to know what kind of things you reccomend to research, or any magic for people just starting out. Thank you for your time.
Hello, I came to this site by 'coincedence', since I'm searching for my own true personal spiritual path. I have shaman blood through my Inca enceasters from my fathers side and also pure Gypsy blood from Hungary who came to the Netherlands a long time ago. I feel a connection with both, so it's hard to choose wich way to go. Very interesting information on your site. This helps a lot. Thanks!
hello my grandad was a romany gypsy he was a wonderful man and had about 12 kids one being my mum the youngest .ever since iwas little i have had what i call flash back or memorys of living in a caravan old style vardo i am the only one in my family to have jet black hair dark eyes and dark skin could this be a past life thing or could i just be sensitive .Also i always see a man at my side with beautiful blue eyes dark skin and curly balck hair i dream about him alot and he sings what could this all mean .thanks for yout time also i really love the website.x
I have been told by several people that I am entering a period of good luck in my life particularly where money is concerned. I have now been told that someone is using the occult to to block this with bad luck. If this is so, why would anyone do that and how do I find out who they are and why they are doing it?
kezza38- I would be very cautious about trusting anyone who would tell you that you have been "blocked" or "hexed" or otherwise suffering under someone elses power to give you "bad luck" or other negative experiences. This is a common ploy by unscrupulous people to get you to buy protective amulets, spells, etc etc... or, if they aren't trying to sell you something - it could be to create a dependence on them for readings, advice, etc.
Other people do not have nearly the power over us that we tend to attribute to them. Good luck - bad luck - we make them for ourselves with our attitudes, our thoughts, our intentions, and our interactions with others.
My advice - focus on the positive, cultivate an attitude of being grateful, find a deeper connection to the powerful spirit with your own self - and with the God/Goddess energy of the all that is, and begin to be proactive in life rather than reactive. You are not a victim, you are a spiritual being with great power and strength - connect with that!
Hello, my name is August. I'm 17 and I'm trying to figure out my spiritual path. I believe in many things, but I feel a strong pull towards nature and have a huge interest in magic. I do also believe that there are angel surrounding me because I can feel a energy around me at times, but sometimes I think I'm just imagining it.I dont think I have any Gypsy in my blood and this is the first time I've ever considered doing anything involoving magic, but I want to give it a shot. Sooo, any comments on how too do that?
Hi I'm mason and I just can't figer out why when I do magic it won't work. I was a christan but I changed along time ago and I practice with my friend and thay think I'm still a christan and werd. So please can you teach me how to do combat spells and outher spells and teach me how to triger my ability 2 do Magic?
Well, I guess I will start out like everyone else...My name is Devyn, I am fifteen and will be sixteen at the end of May. I have heard that my mother's side has Italian witches and somewhere in my family are Gypsies. I believe I might have some psychic powers, ones of sight and divination (mainly in dream form or by fire/water/night sky gazing) that I have had nearly all my life. When I was four I first dreamed of this valley that has seemed to grow and mature as I do, like, for example, this small, circular, white marble stone in the center of the field has grown into a gazebo with no roof so I can see the stars in the night sky and the moon over head with vines of ivy and roses climbing all over the pillars and a small stream cutting through it. It is when I sit in this place during my dreams that I start other dreams that show me things to come (and almost always do) Or I sit there for protection against the raging lightning just outside of my valley meadow. This ring of fire surrounds my meadow and protects it from the lightning while I sit there in the stream of the Gazebo. But the second part of that sentence is another, very complicated and slightly overwhemingly scarry different story.
Well anyways, I have always had an amazing Third Eye, if you will, and my top three Chakaras, Crown, Third Eye, and Throat, have always been very open and talented, even without any meditation or practice, but my others, not so much. So I see well, but the more material arts of Magic, spells and charms and such, have never been my specialty. I was wondering, how can I improve this and how difficult will this be?
With much hope,
Hello! My name is Beverly and I have only by chance found this site. I have ALWAYS been drawn to different folk lore, legends, stories, practices and cultures, perhaps because of the lack of it where I live. I was wondering if I could have online chats with a real gypsy if possible so that I can learn about them firsthand.
Also, if there are any books that might help me learn, I'd be much obliged if someone would suggest them.^^
Hello my name is John and I am attracted to all this due to the fact that I may or am phsychic. I think that gypsy magic might be more like me and have a much better chance at helping me, but I'm not sure if I can become one just like that if you would like to give me some advice or contact me I'd be more than greatful if you emailed me at
BerryFever - I am a gypsy by blood and practice. If you would like to ask me questions about my heritage, my email is any other individuals that would like to speak with me about gypsy culture and race versus gypsy religion, feel free to email me! Thanks!
Hello. i seem to be having issues with my powers or whatever you would like to call it. My mother says i need to be practicing but it never works. Once i tired something to text me and i dont know it was a coincidence or if it was real. I don't know why I am having issues with my powers. It could be because I am young. But, I dont think it can block until I'm older if you get what I am saying. Advice please. God bless.
- Brittany
Brittany - my best advice is this. Practice the magicks and let go of expectations. Learning magick is in some ways like learning how to cook. It's better not start off with the most complicated recipes - start simple. Remember not everything you cook will come out right.
It took me a long time to figure out how to make (what I think is) a perfect omelet, and I still mess it up from time to time. The first time I tried to make an omelet, I used a glass baking dish on top of a gas stove burner and the dish exploded sending half cooked eggs and glass all over the kitchen. Now, I think omelets are easy... but then I've been making them for years.
My daughter has been trying to make biscuits from scratch for almost two years. They always came out hard, flat, and dense. We talked about all the things that could be going wrong, and finally one day I suggested that she try a different recipe.. Voila! Perfect biscuits. Turns out it wasn't her cooking skills at all - it was just a bad recipe.
Magick is the same way. Start simple, and don't expect too much at first. Build on your small successes and don't be discouraged if something doesn't work, or if it blows up in your face. It might not be "you" at all - it could simply be that you need a different spell - or maybe your ingredients weren't quite right - possibly even the time and place was incompatible.
Bright Blessings - and best wishes!
This is my first visit to this site and I am very happy I was directed this way.
Blessed Be
I say, i like crazy guys advice ;)Peace pipe good for what ails/ ill"s ya !
My name is Paige, and I am a teenage gypsy. I was never told that I am related to gypsies, I just figured it out. I always knew in my heart that I was a gypsy. I also found that I have some German and Irish gypsy in me. I have no clue how to get started. No one in my family is a gypsy (well no one really embraces they’re gypsy side, or even cares) and I don’t know anyone else who can teach me. What should I do?
Hi my name is Jennifer and I was adopted. I found out that my grandmother on my mother side is Bohemian and Czech. When I did research, I am Gypsy. No wander I always felt out of place. Now I know where I belong. Love this web sight.
Were you raised as a traveler?
Hi I am Christian but very interested in magic. I was wondering if they correspond with each other, or if I have to just leave magic behind. Please answer my question!! Thanks in advance!!!!!
Greetings! I am a 11th gen female, 44, scots Irish tinker gypsy from KY mountains. Hun, you are right to think that perhaps this is a physical manifestation of a meta-physical issue(s) and since you said you have received dr care I will give you my insight on your information @ questions. The opposite of the moon is the sun & I wonder how much solar energy you are giving yourself & IF you are connecting with solar energy at all? Today's magic trends are funny to me as they focus almost exclusively on lunar workings. Well, when anyone came to Granny for Healing or hex work or uncrossing or midwifery or what have you, they almost certainly came in the day. I was with her from birth & I can tell you - I rarely saw her out at night witching. We had folk healing, dowsing, messfors, hotfooting, fortifying & destroying, reversing luck and crying jilted lovers on a pretty steady flow out to the farm. Gran was formidable & she certainly needed the daylight to work on 90% of her clients. So if you think you are too cyclic on a lunar connection - reverse the fatigue by ENERGIZING with a SOLAR connection.
Make sense to you? Also please think about your decision to perform the lunar ritual you described on a "informal casual " as you say basis. You also told me what you had loosely intended to do but went on to say that it was "like" drawing down but you didn't call it that and it was much more than that standard ritual anyway - to the point you beleive it may be TOO much.
I reminded you if those comments bc I want you to think about something. Idle how "many" years you can have been practicing at 20 but I can imagine a large part of that has been very methodical & ritualistic. Do you think my Gran had a notion to call the quarters or walk windrshins w salt or the like as she saw patients generally? No Hun - she ORGANICALLY & INSTINCTIVELY worked. Not with a ritual athame or herb scythe - but with her trusty carbon steel did she start chopping herbs & making salves and mojo bags case by case. Bc her intent was clearly focused and she had control of the energy around her. I urge you to consider a looser more organic daily devotion to magic rather than scripted ritualistic nightly performances - not completely but at Least as you attempt to reverse this connection to the lunar cycle that is overpowering you. Instead of lighting a candle in the sun how brewing something like sun tea and burn floral incense and draw in that solar energy. Do it frequently and feel the sun on your skin, feel it while you relax. Breathe fragrant scents and enjoy sun ripened berries & sun brewed tea. Finish by giving an offering - how about planting sunflowers? Or feeding sunflower seeds to the local wildlife?
Get the idea?
One more thought - pappy was shamanic from red cloud-always always always make sure you get your BARE FEET in the dirt the earth the sand a stream the grass - and hands too with your head free under the sky. That is the only way you drain negative energy into the earth (that is the real purpose of gravity on a spiritual plane) and recharge with positive and static energy. Think about back then (even just 1910) vs today. At no time in our history have we been so sheltered from touching the earth & seeing the sky. I think it's pathetic how little worth the general public place on that. Please give it the value - give yourself the worth of time every day at the start even 2xs a day to drain & receive energy the natural way of Mother Earth and Great Father above have for us.
I know u say that it's an ancient book, but if I had that dream like u said the first thing gran & pap would say was go begin creating that book. It will be along project but they'd have me making paper from scratch Etc. there are no quick fixes & we can't ID such a vague books description. You must search libraries bookstores and shelves everywhere yourself, you must also begin building the book & not just sitting on the computer surfing for it. Put the work in. Start fun like go to the craft store & select a few pretty pages & the perfect paint in yellow. Then work. Devote your energy to your goal. As for the tapping in your sleep - if you know it's morse code then record it & transcribe when u wake up. If you don't know it's morse codes & you simply frequently tap your fingers repetitively in your sleep you are not releasing your negatives and that's a frantic effort to try. Please read my other reply below for that issue. Good luck & remember to search - your search & your creative efforts for your book. If you are focused you will find a way to begin. If not you will find an excuse. But we must choose & do. Blessed be
Sue I say start w the basics learn the moon phases & the planetary cycles. And begin like a beginner-pick the first herb that starts w "a" and learn it. Fresh dried uses potency effectiveness etc. my first 15 years was gathering & preparing herbs & natural animal products more than anything else gran had me do. It's invaluable now bc I'm 46 & can pick a salad walking thru the woods ya know?
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