Do you want to be irresistible to love or money? Here's how:
Dill is a very versatile herb that can be to dispel negative energy, and to attract money or love. The smell of dill is often enough to stimulate lust and other such feelings. Eating or bathing in dill can make you irresistible to those you desire.
Begin by visualizing yourself as irresistible to the object of your desire. While visualizing...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Be Irresistible
Current News
I am currently in the process of migrating the content shared here to a series of new websites hosted at
As you explore this site, you may find links to a "page not found" instead of something cool and magickal. For this I apologize. I am very working hard behind the scenes to restore those pages along with a link to their homes on my new website where they can be viewed in full.
As you explore this site, you may find links to a "page not found" instead of something cool and magickal. For this I apologize. I am very working hard behind the scenes to restore those pages along with a link to their homes on my new website where they can be viewed in full.
Search the Spells
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Love Charm
Rosemary symbolizes remembrance. It is ruled by the sun, and according to the Romanies, is representative of people born under the zodiac sign Aries. So the following love charm is particularly effective on people born under the sign of the Ram.
In April or May, when rosemary is in season, choose pliable, willowy stems and bind them together into the shape of a heart. Form a mental image of the one you wish for. ...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Love Charm
In April or May, when rosemary is in season, choose pliable, willowy stems and bind them together into the shape of a heart. Form a mental image of the one you wish for. ...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Love Charm
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Silver and Sugar
Fill a silver spoon with sugar, and carry it around the house in a counter clockwise direction.
The silver spoon will banish negativity, and the sugar will empower and sweeten your opportunities. Leave the spoon undisturbed for seven hours...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Silver and Sugar
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Silver and Sugar
Dimish your debt
This is a great spell for helping you diminish any debts you may have incurred, including those standard monthly debts otherwise known as bills.
The word abracadabra is extremely ancient and can be a powerful invocation to rid oneself of sickness and poverty. In this spell, we are going to use it to diminish bills and debt....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Diminish Your Debt
Flush those bills away

List your bills separately on toilet paper.
And flush the toilet paper down the toilet.
As you are doing this ...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Flush Those Bills Away
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Sometimes the simplest charms are the best ones.
Here is nice little selection brought to you by Victoria Martyn
- Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your dwelling.
- Eat a pinch of thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams.
- Place chips of cedar wood in a box with some coins to draw money to you.
- Carry an anemone flower with you to ward against illness.
- Hang a bit of seaweed in the kitchen to ward evil spirits....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Fifty Simple Charms
It's About Thyme
Thyme is another herb the Romanies would make good use of- it`s very good for the nerves! Also it has antiseptic properties- did those of you who have gargled with a thymol preparation realize that it was made from thyme?It is good, too. as a general tonic. Try sprinkling a little thyme over a cabbage salad or in a plate of potato or tomato soup. Thyme is also very good in pancakes.
Thyme, especially wild thyme, is known by the gypsies as Mother`s thyme, because a tea made from it gives relief to the cough that sometimes troubles expectant mothers....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: It's About Thyme
Thyme Magick
Thyme was called thymos by the Greeks, which meant "fumigate". They associated thyme with valour in battle, and the restoration of physical power. Roman soldiers were known to bathe in a decoction of thyme before going into combat, to boost strength and courage. The Sumerians used it as an antiseptic, and in Egypt ...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Ingredients, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Thyme Magick
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Ingredients, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Thyme Magick
As for Rosmarine, I lett it runne all over my garden walls, not onlie because my bees love it, but because it is the herb sacred to remembrance, and therefore, to friendship...
~Sir Thomas More
~Sir Thomas More
Monday, January 23, 2017
Remove Blocks to Prosperity

Because gnomes can move through earth like fish swim through water, one can turn to the gnomes to move a block of earth energy within oneself, or a block placed in our path by another....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Remove Blocks
Earth Abundance Spell
Abundance from the Earth
Supplies: - A thin spindle (the kind they stick cash register receipts on)
- 3 one dollar bills (higher denominations are ok too - just be aware that you won't be using them unless you have a "money emergency")
- Powdered Cinnamon
- Prosperity oil (we made this yesterday)
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Earth Abundance Spell
Catnip Magick
Catnip leaves are used by many folks for luck in love affairs. Catnip is called a woman's love herb because it is said to make women enticing and charming to thus to make men ready and increase their nature - and for this reason...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Ingredients, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Catnip
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Ingredients, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Catnip
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Elderberry Cold Preventative
Put stalked elderberries into an earthenware jar, cover with a well-fitting lid and place in a slow oven. Leave till the juice flows, then pour ir off into a pan and return the covered jar to the oven. Continue doing this until...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Folk Medicine Remedies and Cures, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Elderberry Cold Preventative
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Folk Medicine Remedies and Cures, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Elderberry Cold Preventative
Elderberry Cold Cure.
Take a tablespoon each of elderflowers, peppermint and yarrow and infuse with a pint of boiling water. Strain off a large cupful and drink it hot in bed. Take this same medicine...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Folk Medicine Remedies and Cures, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Elderflower Cold Cure
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Folk Medicine Remedies and Cures, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Elderflower Cold Cure
Elderberry Influenza Cure.
Take half an ounce of elderflowers and one ounce of peppermint herbs. Pour over them one pint of boiling water. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, ..
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Folk Medicine Remedies and Cures, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Elderberry Influenza Cure
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Folk Medicine Remedies and Cures, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Elderberry Influenza Cure
Simple Supermarket Spells
Here are some simple spells which use ingredients found in any supermarket.
- Chocolate is excellent for money.
- Spinach can help you get a job.
- Bitter foods will make you work harder, sweet foods will ease the pressure on a workaholic (try honey, not junk food)....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Ingredients, hosted at, and can be found in it's entirety here: Simple Supermarket Magick
Love Potion Tea
To make another person fall in love with you, brew this tea on a Friday during a waxing moon.
- 1 pinch of rosemary
- 2 teaspoons of black ordinary breakfast tea
- 3 pinches thyme
- 3 pinches nutmeg
- 3 fresh mint leaves
- 6 fresh rose petals...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Apothecary, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Love Potion Tea.
Lust Potion
Wear as a perfume whenever you'll be in the presence of the person you're trying to attract. Be careful, this stuff is really potent.
- 6 drops of Patchouli oil
- 6 drops of Sandalwood oil
- 6 drops of Rose oil
- 6 drops of Clove oil...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Apothecary, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Lust Potion
Ritual for Common Sense and Inspiration
You will need paper, pencil (a pen won't do), and a nice big eraser. A white vanilla scented candle.
Step 1: Light the candle, and then think of one thing in yourself that keeps you from trusting or maybe even hearing your inner voice, your own opinions, your own hopes and dreams.
Step 2: With your pencil, write a description of your block on the piece of white paper....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Ritual for Common Sense and Inspiration
Step 1: Light the candle, and then think of one thing in yourself that keeps you from trusting or maybe even hearing your inner voice, your own opinions, your own hopes and dreams.
Step 2: With your pencil, write a description of your block on the piece of white paper....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Ritual for Common Sense and Inspiration
Money Drawing Oil
Many Romanies roll their bills rather than keeping them flat. Smearing the outside bill with Money Drawing Oil is believed to attract cash.
- 3 drops wood marjoram oil
- 2 drops lemon oil...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Money Drawing Oil
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Making a simple drawstring bag
EZ directions as to how to make a simple draw string bag using a handkerchief, a ribbon, and a needle and thread.
1. Lay a handkerchief out flat and put a ribbon across the middle of it with the ends hanging over a little bit. The longer the ribbon is, the easier it will be to tie it together when you are done.
So sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Apothecary, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Make A Simple Mojo Bag
So sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Apothecary, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Make A Simple Mojo Bag
Lucky Lottery Spell
If you buy lottery tickets, use this spell. Every time you buy a ticket, think to yourself that you are doing it as an act of magic and power. Say to yourself:
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Lucky Lottery Spell
I am open to wealth coming to me,
I am open to good fortune coming to me,
I am open to my luck.
I am open to good fortune coming to me,
I am open to my luck.

For a Life Filled with Sunshine

Light an orange candle and place a bunch of St. John's Wort beside it. Make a wish, then hang the bundle of flowers...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at and can be found in its entirety here: For A Life Filled With Sunshine
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Wishing Well Spell
Take any large bowl. Drip a few drops of different colored candle wax in the bottom of the bowl, then adhere a white candle to that spot. The different colors represent diverse needs and goals, while the white binds this variety together in harmony.
Each morning, light the candle when you get up and put a coin in the bowl... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Wishing Well Spell.
Each morning, light the candle when you get up and put a coin in the bowl... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Wishing Well Spell.
Harmony Spell
Disruptive neighbors who upset the harmony of your home can be tamed quite simply. Place small hand mirrors on windowsills facing their home. These reflect back whatever is being sent to you. As you place the mirrors...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: For Harmony With Your Neighbors
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: For Harmony With Your Neighbors
Friday, January 13, 2017
Love Spells - Words of Wisdom
This really nice collection of thoughts and wisdom words about Love Magick, how best to go about it has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Love Spells - Words of Wisdom
The Freezer Spell

You will need:
- Black Candle
- Aluminum Foil
- Picture of whatever (whoever) it is you want to get rid of - or you can just write it (names, situation, circumstances, etc) on a sheet of paper. Be as specific as possible....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: The Freezer Spell
Thursday, January 05, 2017
Gypsy Funeral

I'm sorry, but this post has been moved to Gypsy Magick at Here is a direct link: Gypsy Funeral
The Romani Flag

The Roma flag is comprised of blue and green traditional colors
I'm sorry, but this post has been moved to Gypsy Magick at, here's a direct link: The Romani Flag
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Feast of Sekhmet

In ancient Egypt, the saving of mankind was commemorated every year on the feast day of Hathor/Sekhmet. Everyone drank beer stained with pomegranate juice and worshipped "the Mistress and lady of the tomb, gracious one, destroyer of rebellion, mighty one of enchantments". A statue of Sekhmet was dressed in red facing west, while Bast was dressed in green and faced east. ...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website The Pagan Calendar (hosted at and can be found in its entirety here: Feast of Sekhmet - Egyptian New Year's Day
Festival of the Lares Compitales

Lares are the Roman guardian spirits of house and fields, ancient Roman deities protecting the house and the family — household gods. The Lares were worshiped in small sanctuaries or shrines, called Lararium, which could be found in every Roman house. They were placed in the atrium (the main room) or in the peristylium (a small open court) of the house. Here people sacrificed food to the Lares on holidays.
Presumed to be sons of Mercury and Lara, Lares are beneficent and friendly spirits, and deeply venerated by ancient Romans. In every house there was at least one little statue, and through these small statues, the Lare was presumed to take part in all that happened inside the house....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website The Pagan Calendar (hosted at and can be found in its entirety here: Festival of the Lares Compitales
The Gypsy Vardo
There are six design types. They are known by various names but are perhaps best called the Reading, the Ledge and the Bow-top. The Bow-top is the most typically Romani; the now extinct Brush – characteristic of brush, broom, rush and wickerwork makers; the Burton – most typically showman; and, the more modern one, the Open-lot.

Being individually built, no two wagons are exactly alike. They vary according to customer requirements, price, skill and location of builder and period. At the same time they have certain exterior features in common, and with few exceptions the interiors conform to a set plan or layout. Thus, the vardo is always one-roomed on four high wheels, with door and moveable steps in front (the Brush wagon the only exception), sash windows, a rack called the ‘cratch’ and a pan-box at the rear....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore (hosted at and can be found in its entirety here: The Gypsy Vardo

Being individually built, no two wagons are exactly alike. They vary according to customer requirements, price, skill and location of builder and period. At the same time they have certain exterior features in common, and with few exceptions the interiors conform to a set plan or layout. Thus, the vardo is always one-roomed on four high wheels, with door and moveable steps in front (the Brush wagon the only exception), sash windows, a rack called the ‘cratch’ and a pan-box at the rear....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore (hosted at and can be found in its entirety here: The Gypsy Vardo
Sunday, January 01, 2017
Not A Lucky New Year!
There is a lot of lore and superstition surrounding the New Year. What follows is an extensive listing of what NOT to do, and what to avoid at all costs on this most powerful day of the year:

New Year's day was one of ill omen to the ancient Egyptians.
It is unlucky to have clothes hanging on the line when the New Year is born.
If a person in deep mourning pays you a call on New Year's day, a member of your family will die before the year is out....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Pagan Calendar, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: New Year's Day - The Do Nots

New Year's day was one of ill omen to the ancient Egyptians.
It is unlucky to have clothes hanging on the line when the New Year is born.
If a person in deep mourning pays you a call on New Year's day, a member of your family will die before the year is out....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Pagan Calendar, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: New Year's Day - The Do Nots
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