Keep good fun thoughts in your mind, with hope for the future. These positive thoughts will turn into Magick energy and be released... that is the power of Samhain!
Here are 5 ways to celebrate Samhain....
I'm so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved and can be found on my new website, The Pagan Calendar, along with more info about Samhain. Here's the link: Samhain.
happy samhain everyone!!!
the children and i, along with my siter and her baby, celebrated by placing pictures of family that have passed away on the table and talked about what we remembered about them. we do this often but tonight it seemed that memories flowed. we also made colored candles using the method suggested by this site. that was fun. we used those candles in our spell casting. we did the one to call our ancestors AND my sister and i wrote one to ask for monies owed to us by people who refuse to pay up. i would love to share it with someone who knows more about writing and casting spells and see if there are any suggestions for us to improve. my children dressed up as family members that passed away. so far it has been an awesome samhain :)
Jolli - that sounds really fun! If you'd like to share the spell you and your sister wrote, I'd love to share it here.
The true test of a spell is how well it works for YOU. So, if the spell you wrote has good results, there's no need for improvement. If, however, the results are not as promising ahs you'd hoped, then it might be helpful to take suggestions.
I'm so glad you're enjoying the site. Your comments are a delight to read.
For Samhain this year, my mom and I went out (at midnight) to a three-way crossroads which is right next to a graveyard.
We left cupcakes and wine for hungry ghosts, read the Charge of The Dark Goddess, and left her a cupcake as well.
It was really fun!
i am very much enjoying this site. i have been looking for a mentor for sometime now and this site has become my mentor :) i don't know where to post the spell so i'll just write it here?
"Monies that are owed to us, now is the time to return.
From the people who act like they don't know now is the time to learn.
From old landlords, Leo & John Carter, for pots, deposits and wrongfully paid bills.
To illustrator, David Bradley, who took payment then headed for the hills.
To Rosemary who took a deposit although we didn't stay
And associate David Williamson who promised that he'd repay
We call you monies back to us, to take your rightful place
And ask that no ill befall those who owe by way of His Grace
Make your way back quickly and let there be no haste!
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