The Iroquois believe our souls communicate to us through our dreams. This spell is best done with like-minded friends. Gather any objects that appear in your dreams from January 1st to January 10th....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website The Book Of Shadows, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Iroquois Good Luck Spell
Current News
I am currently in the process of migrating the content shared here to a series of new websites hosted at
As you explore this site, you may find links to a "page not found" instead of something cool and magickal. For this I apologize. I am very working hard behind the scenes to restore those pages along with a link to their homes on my new website where they can be viewed in full.
As you explore this site, you may find links to a "page not found" instead of something cool and magickal. For this I apologize. I am very working hard behind the scenes to restore those pages along with a link to their homes on my new website where they can be viewed in full.
Search the Spells
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Granny's Shooshi Dinner
- 3 Lbs rabbit meat, cut into pieces
- 2 fresh bay leaves
- 3 stems thyme
- 2 whole cloves
- 3 onions, minced
- 1 tablespoon oil
- A few black peppercorns, crushed
- Salt...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore (hosted at and can be found in its entirety here: Granny's Shooshi Dinner
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Snow Moon
November’s Full Moon beckons us to look deep within. With the Sun in Scorpio, the Snow Moon is a potent time to look beyond the obvious. This is an excellent time for dreamwork and lends its energies easily to meditation and divinatory efforts as well as projects that require endings....
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been divided up and moved to my new websites, The Pagan Calendar and Book of Shadows (hosted at and can be found here: Snow Moon and Snow Moon Manifestation Spell
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Inviting in your Ancestors
For this spell, gather at your altar or sacred space some black cloth, a black candle, a bowl of water, a feather, a citrine, amethyst or lapis lazuli crystal, and photos and mementos from your loved ones who have passed beyond....
I'm so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to the Book of Shadows hosted at and can be found in it's entirety here: Inviting Your Ancestors In
I'm so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to the Book of Shadows hosted at and can be found in it's entirety here: Inviting Your Ancestors In
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hungry Ghosts
Samhain (aka Halloween) is a magical time of the year. It has Celtic roots. It marks the beginning of the "dark" part of the year. It's also the moment when the "veils" between the realms of the living and dead are "thinned" making communication easier.
You can actually invoke blessings from "hungry" ghosts ...
So sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to Book of Shadows hosted at and can be found in it's entirety here: Hungry Ghosts
You can actually invoke blessings from "hungry" ghosts ...
So sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to Book of Shadows hosted at and can be found in it's entirety here: Hungry Ghosts
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Horse Whispering
Horse whispering is shrouded in mystery. It is an inexplicable method employed by the Romanies to tame wild and temperamental horses.
Tradition says the secret to horse whispering was granted as a deathbed legacy from a horse charmer to his eldest son. The Romanies say that one who has received the gift of horse whispering cannot die peacefully until he or she has passed on the talent....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, and can be found in its entirety here: Horse Whispering
Tradition says the secret to horse whispering was granted as a deathbed legacy from a horse charmer to his eldest son. The Romanies say that one who has received the gift of horse whispering cannot die peacefully until he or she has passed on the talent....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, and can be found in its entirety here: Horse Whispering
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cat Lore
Cats have been revered as magical since the time of the ancient Egyptians. Here is some interesting lore:
- A cat washing itself is believed to be a forecast of rain.
- To see it wash behind its ears is a sign that a visitor will call....
... I am so sorry to do this to you but this post has been moved to my new website, Divination, and can be found in its entirety here: Ailuromancy - What is it?
Dog Healing
Place your dog in a comfortable position or let it find its own spot in which to lie down.
Sit beside your dog and pray for a circle of gold light to be placed around you both for protection, and for a circle of blue light to be placed around you and your dog for healing. Then say the Lord's Prayer.
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, and can be found in its entirety here: Healing Your Dog
To Heal a Cat Wound
To heal a cat after it's been in a fight, the Romanies recommend that you first light a blue candle. Place your cat on your lap or let the cat find its own comfortable place to lie. Soothe it with loving strokes until it purrs or appears relaxed and comfortable enough to stay put for five or ten minutes....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Gypsy Magick and Lore, and can be found in its entirety here: To Heal A Cat Wound
On Healing Your Pets
The Romanies strongly believe in the power of hands on healing for dogs, horses, and smaller pets such as cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice and birds.
The remedies found here at Gypsy Magic are not an alternative to visiting a vet. But they may be used in conjunction with veterinary treatment, before or after surgery, or simply if your pet appears to be "under the weather."
The remedies found here at Gypsy Magic are not an alternative to visiting a vet. But they may be used in conjunction with veterinary treatment, before or after surgery, or simply if your pet appears to be "under the weather."
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Protective Blessing for Cats
Baast of beauty and of grace,
Protectress of the feline race,
Shield (name of pet) from all hurt and harm
And keep him/her always safe and warm...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Protective Blessing for Cats
The "Familiar" Cat
What does it mean to have a cat as a "familiar" or animal helper?
A cat totem encourages agility in both body and mind. You will be challenged with new ideas and places. The cat gives you clearer perception. This spirit helper is resourceful, strong and fearless. It will give you courage and confidence....
... ... I am so sorry to do this, but this post has been combined with another and moved to my new website, Magickal Ingredients, it can be found here: The Cat as a Magickal Ingredient
Mystery, Magic and Independence!
A cat totem encourages agility in both body and mind. You will be challenged with new ideas and places. The cat gives you clearer perception. This spirit helper is resourceful, strong and fearless. It will give you courage and confidence....
... ... I am so sorry to do this, but this post has been combined with another and moved to my new website, Magickal Ingredients, it can be found here: The Cat as a Magickal Ingredient
Cat Magic
Here's a nice little invocation to bring some "cat magic" into your life, you can use it to speak to your own cat, or you can invoke the energy through the use of pictures, or whatever else has meaning for you personally.
... I am so sorry to do this, but this post has been combined with another and moved to my new website, Magickal Ingredients, it can be found here: The Cat as a Magickal Ingredient
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Writing a New Moon Check
Anybody can use some extra cash, especially if it means being able to buy a particular item, save for a vacation, or simply to kick back and enjoy a night out on the town. A great way to manifest a desired amount of money is to write yourself a New Moon Check.
As in the graphic above, it's a check you write to yourself in the amount you want to create or manifest. It's a New Moon Check because you write it during the first 24 hours of a new moon, when manifesting magick is strongest....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Writing A New Moon Check
As in the graphic above, it's a check you write to yourself in the amount you want to create or manifest. It's a New Moon Check because you write it during the first 24 hours of a new moon, when manifesting magick is strongest....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Writing A New Moon Check
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Wishing on the Moon

Try to keep an eye open for the first appearance of the new moon in the sky. The lovely silver crescent of the new moon always fills me with awe and brings optimism for the coming month. Bow reverently three times, then turn your money over three times. Praise the beauty of the moon, and ask for her blessing in the month ahead.
... more spells for money can be found at my new website, Book of Shadows
Monday, April 28, 2008
Practical and Magical Uses for Dandelions
Traditionally, dandelions have often appeared in pagan rituals. The buttery blossoms and bright green leaves accent altars for spring and summer celebrations, especially the Vernal Equinox, Beltane, and Litha. They can be woven into garlands, wreaths, and ropes to be worn or draped across altars. Towards autumn, pluck the silvery orbs to adorn your altar for Lammas, Mabon, or Samhain.
Alternatively, you could design your own rituals to celebrate dandelions, or to take advantage of their many properties. Here is a listing of posts about Dandelions and how to use them.
Alternatively, you could design your own rituals to celebrate dandelions, or to take advantage of their many properties. Here is a listing of posts about Dandelions and how to use them.
- Talking About Dandelions
- Dandelions As Magical Symbols
- Dandelion Message Spell
- Favorable Winds
- Dandelion Magic
- Medicinal Uses of Dandelions
- Medicinal Teas with Dandelion Root
- Dandelions in the Kitchen
- Dandelion Wine
- Dandelion Coffee
- Dandelion Jelly
- Dandelion Soup
- Fried Dandelion Blossoms
- Dandelion Greens with Sausage
- Dandelion Salad with Cooked Dressing
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Favorable Winds
Grow dandelions at the northwest corner of your house to bring favorable winds.
...More simple luck spells can be found at my new website, Book of Shadows.
Medicinal Teas with Dandelion Root
Here are three recipes for medicinal teas using Dandelion Root:
Infuse 1 OZ. of Dandelion in a pint of boiling water for 10 minutes; decant, sweeten with honey, and drink several glasses in the course of the day....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Bright Magic
Welcome to my world,
where magic dances lightly
and winds of luck
will fill your sails
if you just know
just where to go
and what to do...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Widdershins, hosted at, and can be found in its entirety here: Bright Magic
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Legend of Nu Kwa
This story comes from China. It begins with a giant egg. The egg was filled with chaos; in fact, the egg was so huge that it was filled with absolutely everything. Darkness and light were mixed together inside the egg and everything was in so much of a muddle that nothing was anything at all. Sleeping in the middle of all this was a giant - Pan Gu.
Pan Gu slept for thousands of years, but eventually he woke up and stretched himself, as he did, he broke the egg. The darkness and light separated from each other and poured out. Part of the egg drifted downwards and became the earth and part floated upwards and became the sky. The world had begun....
I'm so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website Widdershins (hosted at and can be found in it's entirety here: The Legend of Nu Kwa
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Cleanse a Home from Negative Energy
These are especially good measures to take when moving into a new place, beginning ritual activities in a new space, or to release bad feelings and negativity when an inhabitant has been sick or has died.
To cleanse a single room:
- On top of a newspaper, set a blue candle.
- Surround with a circle of salt....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Cleanse a Home from Negative Energy
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Bath Spell for Negativity

Run a nice hot bath. While the water is running, add the following:
- 1/2 cup vinegar,
- a bunch of fresh rue
- 1 tablespoon of salt in your bath....
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Magickal Apothecary and can be found in its entirety here: Bath Spell For Negativity
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Herbal Power Enhancement Powder

Fill one jar with equal parts of the following herbs and spices:
- Cinnamon [swift results]
- Nutmeg [psychic power]
- Allspice [success]
- Ginger [energy]
- Basil [strength]...
... I am so sorry, but this post has been moved to my new website, Magickal Apothecary, and can be found in its entirety here: A Power Enhancement Powder
Monday, January 07, 2008
Spell for Clarity
For this spell you will need the following:
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Spell For Clarity
- a quiet place to work
- a smooth flat surface or table top
- one small cotton drawstring bag
- a small quartz crystal
- a small white candle
- equal parts of the following herbs: Rosemary, Lavender, and Chamomile
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Spell For Clarity
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