In Madagascar New Year's is celebrated with much feasting and sacrificial killing of oxen takes place.
Chinese custom requires that every boy who calls on his neighbors or relatives on New Year's day, should receive a couple of loose-skinned oranges, or he is considered shamefully treated. The name of orange means luck, fortune, and auspiciousness.
On New Year's eve while the clock is striking twelve, repeat three times: "Good Saint Anne, good Saint Anne, send me a man as fast as you can," and you will become engaged within a year.
At the beginning of the New Year in Natal, a ceremony is performed by the chief by spurting from his mouth a mixture of the New Year's fruits in different directions as if upon his enemies. After this ceremony it is lawful for the people to eat the New Year's fruits. They are only eaten by stealth before....
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The Pagan Calendar (hosted at
shirleytwofeathers.com) and can be found in its entirety here:
Old New Years Customs and Lore