I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website The Pagan Calendar (hosted at shirleytwofeathers.com) and can be found in its entirety here: Sagittarius Begins
Current News
I am currently in the process of migrating the content shared here to a series of new websites hosted at shirleytwofeathers.com.
As you explore this site, you may find links to a "page not found" instead of something cool and magickal. For this I apologize. I am very working hard behind the scenes to restore those pages along with a link to their homes on my new website where they can be viewed in full.
As you explore this site, you may find links to a "page not found" instead of something cool and magickal. For this I apologize. I am very working hard behind the scenes to restore those pages along with a link to their homes on my new website where they can be viewed in full.
Search the Spells
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Sagittarius Begins
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website The Pagan Calendar (hosted at shirleytwofeathers.com) and can be found in its entirety here: Sagittarius Begins
Sagittarius Oil
- 4 drops Rosemary ...
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Banishing unpaid bills, worry, bad vibes
This is a very powerful banishing spell to pull worry, fear, bad vibes, unpaid bills, (and just about anything that contributes to negativity) out of your home and out of your life. It can be done anytime during the full or waning moon.
Supplies needed:
Supplies needed:
- A cheap plastic planter (or container) about the size of a tub of Margarine
- Potting soil
- A brown egg
- A brown marker or crayon
- Candle (brown, red, or white)...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Banishing Unpaid Bills, Worry, Bad Vibes
Banishing Blocks with Water Undines

This spell uses the properties of water turned to ice. Pour spring water into a small, new paper or plastic cup. Freeze. When you are ready to perform the spell, take the cup out of the freezer. Place upside-down in a bowl....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Banishing Blocks with Water Undines
Saturday, November 16, 2013
The Chakras
Chakras are concentrated points of energy. There are many chakras all over the body, but most healing systems focus on the seven major chakras that are placed at intervals in a line roughly corresponding to the spinal column.
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Chakra Central (hosted at shirleytwofeathers.com). It can be found in its entirety here: Diagram of the Main Chakras

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Festival of Odin
This ritual is held on or about the day of St. Martin, a Catholic saint who was given many of Odin's original attributes. There is strong evidence that this day (Nov 12) was originally a festival time devoted to Odin and to Cernunnos, who has many similarities to the Wanderer.
This is a time of festival for several families gathered together, each bringing food and drink for the potluck feast. Prior to the time of the rites, have a day of games and feasting. The ritual should be held out of doors if possible, with the area appropriately decorated for the season with grain, fruits, maize, vegetables, nuts, leaves and flowers...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Pagan Calendar, and can be found in its entirety here: Festival of Odin
This is a time of festival for several families gathered together, each bringing food and drink for the potluck feast. Prior to the time of the rites, have a day of games and feasting. The ritual should be held out of doors if possible, with the area appropriately decorated for the season with grain, fruits, maize, vegetables, nuts, leaves and flowers...
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Pagan Calendar, and can be found in its entirety here: Festival of Odin
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Nutty Love Divination Spell
Irish women and girls check the loyalty and faithfulness of their lover by placing two nuts (one named after the lover and one with the girl's name) on the bars of a fireplace grate. If a lover’s nut cracks or jumps..
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Divination, and can be found in its entirety here: Nutty Love Divination Spell
Friday, November 01, 2013
We Remember Them
At the rising of the sun
and at its going down,
We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind
and in the chill of Winter,
We remember them....
... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Widdershins, and can be found in its entirety here: We Remember Them
Spell to Speak With Spirits of the Dead
To speak to spirits that have passed on, gather together the following:
- Dried amaranth flowers
- Dittany of Crete
- Wormwood.
Reign Of The Old Woman Cailleach
On November 1, a festival known as 'Reign of the Old Woman Cailleach' is celebrated annually in the Celtic countries (in Ireland it is known as 'Day of the Banshees'). On the eve of Imbolc (Jan. 31 or Feb. 1), also celebrated is the fest called 'End of Cailleach'. This fest signals the start of Imbolc and the end of winter....
... so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website The Powers That Be, hosted at shirleytwofeathers.com and can be found in it's entirety here: The Old Woman Cailleach
... so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website The Powers That Be, hosted at shirleytwofeathers.com and can be found in it's entirety here: The Old Woman Cailleach
A Song of Cailleach
"Bha da shleagha chaola chatha
air an taobh eile dh'an chaillich
Bha 'h-aodann dubh-ghorm air dreach a 'ghuail
'S a deud cnabadach cnamh-ruadh...
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Widdershins (hosted at shirleytwofeathers.com) and can be found in it's entirety here: A Song of Cailleach
I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, Widdershins (hosted at shirleytwofeathers.com) and can be found in it's entirety here: A Song of Cailleach
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