Who is she and where did she come from? She is a wonderful little old village witch who got a really bad rap from Ursula LeGuin in her Earthsea book "Tehanu." The description in the book reads like this:
"Aunty Moss was a dour creature, unmarried, like most witches, and unwashed, with greying hair tied in curious charm-knots, and eyes red-rimmed from herb smoke." She was further described as, "unpredictable, unreliable, incomprehensible, passionate, ignorant, sly, and dirty."
The one thing said about her that was true is "she was following her heart, it was a dark, wild, queer heart, like a crow, going its own ways and on its own errands." What the book neglected to say was that she is a wise and wonderful witchy woman who has never steered me wrong.
Lucky for us, I was able to find an actual picture of her, and she did graciously agree to be of help to those of you who ask for advice and insight. You'll find her at the bottom of the page (here at Gypsy Magic). Go ahead, scroll down, ask her something, you know you want to!