Monday, January 07, 2008

Spell for Clarity

For this spell you will need the following:
  • a quiet place to work
  • a smooth flat surface or table top
  • one small cotton drawstring bag
  • a small quartz crystal
  • a small white candle
  • equal parts of the following herbs: Rosemary, Lavender, and Chamomile
Clean your work surface and place the rosemary lavender and chamomile in a pile on the table in front of you. Light your candle, and take a deep cleansing breath. It is time to begin....

... I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website, The Book of Shadows, and can be found in its entirety here: Spell For Clarity


  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I like this spell, but what I really need is a spell to help give someone ELSE clarity of mind. I have a friend that's been making a very long series of bad choices, and she's even admitted that she's not thinking clearly all the time, so I was hoping to find something to help her. Any suggestions?

  2. Hi
    can you use dried herbs please? and does it have to be done on a new moon?

  3. Kitty kat - Yes you can use dried herbs, and this does not have to be done on a new moon.

    Anonymous - to do this spell for another person, imagine that the finger play is the other person - when saying the incantation substitute their name where appropriate - finish the spell the same way and then visualize and know that the person in question has absolute clarity and is on the right path.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    hey people, search for spellcaster is much online but do they really cast genuine spell that take effect as fast we want them to.,no...but i did cast a spell with one and in four days , i saw effects....write me on if you want his service.I travelled to afirca to meet thsi spellcaster cause i didnt want to be scammed like i was done before given false hope about the return of my girl.H is so geniune and real.

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    hey people, search for spellcaster is much online but do they really cast genuine spell that take effect as fast we want them to.,no...but i did cast a spell with one and in four days , i saw effects....write me on if you want his service.I travelled to afirca to meet thsi spellcaster cause i didnt want to be scammed like i was done before given false hope about the return of my girl.H is so geniune and real.

  6. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I will share with you my experience with psychicpelayahoocom. I was lost because my boyfriend left me after seven wonderful years. He thought he was in love with another man, so he abandon me. I was so sad! After trying many different blogspots and sites with no results I found pela. I ordered her powerful ULTIMATE love spell and it worked in nine days. Finally my boyfriend came back saying that he realizes that I am the one! believe it or not

  7. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I will share with you my experience with psychicpelayahoocom. I was lost because my boyfriend left me after seven wonderful years. He thought he was in love with another man, so he abandon me. I was so sad! After trying many different blogspots and sites with no results I found pela. I ordered her powerful ULTIMATE love spell and it worked in nine days. Finally my boyfriend came back saying that he realizes that I am the one! believe it or not

  8. kathy biauch1:46 AM

    never knew i can make it through my problems and God know how to punish all you scammer that are on internet to rip people of there money.. all of them in nigeria are all scammers and never pay money to them in any way.. i was riped of my money by somany of them, karan mulech, olusoijokerubu, jagudajad and so many other.. i have lost close to $5600 to them all and i am happy to tell you all that there are still real spell casters on here and definatly not in nigeria, i got my results from a psychic in malaysia and i got my results and i am happy to be here once again.. and if you want any information you should contact me on my email: and if you feel like contacting him directly his email address is
    i dont know how to tell about his powers but he is real and will help you through your problems.

  9. Pr Kay4:37 AM

    I finally found a caster that is humane! He ask for a visit, he can come to you if you can afford it, if you cant, he does email and phone consultation and he chats on yahoo and skype as well. I have casted 5 spells with him, he is simply the one helping my life. What more can i ask for? I am so greatful. Check his page on, his email is

  10. joline11:46 AM

    my BF came back! i cant believe it!!! i am a first timer here but i see there are a lot of people with same issues. i got the good lady spell caster love spell from that worked in less than 2days. how awesome is that? here is his site and her email ID is good luck!!!!!!!!!It's lovely and nice to be happy.

  11. juliane....7:28 PM

    i want to thank lady zarra for what she did for me and i hope all of you that come here find this trully devine lady so she can help you just as she did marriage is saved once again thank yoiu lady lady zarra if you need her help at

  12. Never have I had so much attention with men since casted that Follow My Love Spell the potion was doing some things to the men, because I was being asked out on so many dates on the weekend it was so surprising..."

  13. I was heartbroken that my husband moved in with another woman so I had a spell to bring him back home and stop the affair he had with her. In just 2days he left her and went to live at the motel. He called to say so and get news of the kids. The discussion was pleasant, as if he was changing to become the man I knew when we got married. It was exactly as you said…. Now he’s back home and is absolutely crazy about me. I am so thrilled by this spell that I cant find the right words to say how I feel right now. All I can decently say is that you changed my life and saved the most important thing in my life: my family, way to contact my savior is

  14. Anonymous11:47 PM

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    maria from u a s

  15. Life is all about good and bad experience. It was all good and lovely when i met Yolie, i was a good business woman until things become rough between us and my business started liquidating. Now but my wife and my business is going so bad. Not until when i met an old friend who directed me to Dr Wicca for help. I was speechless to be honest and shocked, after so many problems from my wife and business

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