Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bringing In The Boar

The sixth day of Christmas is the day of "Bringing in the Boar." Two traditions honor the importance of the boar at Solstice tide. In Scandinavia, Frey, the god of sunshine, rode across the sky on his golden-bristled boar. Gulli-burstin, who was seen as a solar image, his spikes representing the rays of the sun. 

In the ancient Norse tradition, the intention was to gain favor from Frey in the new year. The boar's head with an apple in his mouth was carried into the banquet hall on a gold or silver dish to the sounds of trumpets and the songs of minstrels....

I am so sorry to do this to you, but this post has been moved to my new website The Pagan Calendar (hosted at and can be found in its entirety here: Bringing In The Boar

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